Friday, August 5, 2011

Picking systems

The question that arises especially in large warehouses is: Where is a specific item located among the maze of shelves? Modern order-picking systems assist stock pickers by showing them the location of the goods. The systems include the use of light signals (pick-by-light) or even information transmission by headset (pick-by-voice).
In this process, the information “Row 14, Position 2” is passed to the picker over the headset. As a result of this communication, the worker learns about the optimal path to the pick location and the pick list [pick list]. He then identifies the storage shelf and parts of the EAN code for the items stored there, possibly including the code’s last two digits. If the item number matches, this system then informs the picker over the headset how many items need to be picked. The picker takes the goods from the shelf, checks the quantity and receives an “OK.” This procedure is repeated until the prescribed stack height is reached or an order is completely filled.
A new addition to this order-picking system is pick-by-vision. With this technology, the picker receives information through data goggles. This system is only in the prototype phase at the moment.

Picking list

The picking list is the traditional management and information instrument used in manual picking processes.


Pick-by-light is frequently used to pick fast-selling items. The system is especially useful to companies with small product quantities.


Pick-by-voice is primarily used for picking. The system is also useful in quality control as well as in packing and shipping - e.g., for communicating the carton size to be used. These systems are well suited for those areas where workers need to be able to use both hands for picking purpose due to safety concerns.


Pick-by-vision is only a research prototype at the moment. Application areas are picking of fast- and slow-selling items. The system is an alternative to pick-by-voice and pick-by-light.

=> dhl - discover logistics

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